Monday, April 27, 2015


It's always play time around here :)

Getting work done while keeping Katara happy

A few of our lovely egg laying ladies!

My Beautiful girl, I took these photos to capture the sweet little moccasins she has on, they used to be mine. Such a precious thing my mom passed down to me for her!

Goofy times

Love this little outfit!

 Skipping naps leads to sleeping at dinner

Monday, April 20, 2015

Little Miss is so much fun

Katara has so many looks and is such a fun baby! 

A peak into our cloth diapering.... Gotta capture the cuteness.

I seriously have this love for hand knit things... Love this sweet tunic.

Daily, ALL THE TIME, They just don't leave her alone:

And this my friends is how I do everything I do :) Wrap up the baby and I am hands free!

Too tired  to listen to daddy's bedtime story... Life is just so busy!

The cuteness!!!! A sweet online friend I met in a mommy group send me this amazing knit skirt. It is one of my favorites and I don't know what to do once it is too small!!

I am not kidding when I say they never leave her alone, He was there the whole time I was taking the above photos. Love their love.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fun days

The best times include puddles.......

And that is why there is so much laundry.....

Caught this moment, don't know what they are watching as I cannot remember.

This happens all the time. Syler LOVES her!

While I was photographing Angela's maternity photos, I found this cuteness.

She is so adorable.. Just makes me melt.